Why you should join a theater group

A performer shares why everyone can benefit from participating in theater
Profile picture of Andrea

Created by Andrea

Published on Sep 8, 2021

I am a firm believer that theater changes lives for the better. It is not only a great way to overcome the fear of public speaking—shoutout to all my introvert fellas out there—, but also to discover more of yourself. And that’s just to mention a couple of perks.

When I was in high school, I never thought I would ever join a theater group. I am shy, quiet, and kind of awkward sometimes. However, I had some friends in drama club, so I decided to give it a try in my senior year.

Long story short: I fell in love with performing arts.

Believe it or not, theater is a powerful tool for education and self-improvement. It is much more than memorizing lines and wearing cool costumes (although that part is pretty fun, too).

That is why, based on my experience, I’d like to share 5 reasons why you should join a theater group while you’re young, whether you want to be a professional actor or not.

PS: no, you don’t have to be Sharpay Evans.

1.It helps you improve your communication skills and body control

Acting is all about connection, both with your peers and yourself.

For that reason, theater is a great way to develop better communication skills. You learn to listen and speak clearly and to utilize the potential of your voice and body.

In short, acting helps you understand the power of body language, eyes, active listening, voice, and diction when speaking. All of these tools are incredibly useful for your personal, social, and professional life.

2. It gives you self-confidence

One of the most beautiful things about joining a theater group is discovering that you can do many things you never knew you could do. It is like unlocking hidden parts of yourself, and that feels amazing!

Besides, when you are part of a theater club, you’re constantly learning and improving your skills, and it is gratifying to realize how far you’ve grown since your first day. That feeling gives you more self-confidence to face new challenges in life.

3. You learn to work in a team and to trust other people

In theater, everyone has a significant role, and I’m not talking about the actors only. Director, producer, art director, lighting technician, etc. — everyone is important. So, when you learn to work in a team environment like this, you understand the importance of collaboration, discipline, problem-solving, and trust.

Teamwork is the key to a successful project, whether it is a theater play or any project that you might encounter in your professional life.

4. It helps you to be more empathetic

The theater is a safe place to explore new things and express yourself freely. Therefore, when you’re with people that are being vulnerable with you, you become more empathetic.

In addition to that, playing a character means exposing yourself to new feelings and thoughts. That is a tremendous exercise to open your mind and learn about human nature— and yourself.

5. It boosts creativity and reduces stress

Just like all arts, theater enhances your creative thinking while helping you to relieve stress and negative feelings.

Rehearsals can indeed be demanding at times, especially when the opening day is just around the corner. Nevertheless, they are the perfect moment to take a break from real life and let go of the negative thoughts in your daily routine, not to mention that it is also an opportunity to move your body.

Lastly, I would like to highlight that theater is for everyone.

Eight years ago, I was a very self-conscious teenager that would have never imagined herself on a stage. Today, I’m still working on my self-confidence, but I have uncovered many talents and skills that were previously hidden underneath my insecurity. Plus, I’ve found that theater has helped me become a better person in general now.

Joining a theater group while you’re young is one of the best experiences you can have in life, even if you’re not interested in becoming a professional actor.

So, if you have ever thought that you are not ‘made’ for it but would like to give it a try, go for it and break a leg!

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