A trip to Stockholm during Nobel week to witness the great accomplishments of Nobel laurates and their work towards the betterment of society
A harrowing short story
As global priorities shift in this "decade of healthy ageing," I wonder, what will the world look like when we're all grown up?
A recap of some of the best in pop culture, trends and tech over the past year.
Shining a light on the serious issues plaguing Greek media
A poem portraying a young boy’s sorrow and loss from war, capturing the emotional devastation while holding onto a fragile hope for healing
X.com, formally known as Twitter, has released its controversial new AI, capable of generating convincing images of celebrities in controversial scenarios.
In an economy vastly different from the one my parents inherited, my friends and I just want to live.
Want to create impactful content for cash prizes?!
A poem depicting the recent events of flooding in my country
A closer look at Google's AI Overview and its impact on search
Will artificial intelligence become the judges and juries of our society?