Invisible Victims

A poem speaking out against the horrors of 'honour'-based abuse
Profile picture of Anushka Swannell

Created by Anushka Swannell

Published on Jul 13, 2023
Black and White Photo of a Rose

Please note: this poem includes sensitive topics that some people might find difficult including 'Honour'-based abuse, FGM, sexual abuse and assault. Please visit our Resources Page or Savera UK for help.


The liberties I presumed I obtained, taken

‘Honour’ that lingered under my nose, labelled

‘Honour’ that was a cloud of expectation, burdened

Freedoms suddenly stripped

Humanity, compassion, life diminished


Hoping to escape

That dream was set alight

Constant fear

Constant threat

Is someone following me

Or is that just my shadow


The unknown path decided for me

A path where I am expected to be someone

Someone to serve

Someone to respect

When all I want is to choose

Choose a life, not be forced into one


Every day is closer to my traits, my personality, disappearing into existence

A crime of social injustice

A crime of sadness

A crime of sorrow

Hidden within walls,

Around the corner of streets

Up on the rooftops

You can all hear me but don't listen



A term of terror

A term of dread

A term for anxiety


Child marriage

Virginity testing

Breast ironing

Sex selective abortion

Coercive control

Sexual abuse


Forced marraige

Conversion therapy

Emotional abuse

Pyschological pain

Threats of violence


To name a few categories under ‘honour’



Stop ignoring the injustices

Stop standing in high chairs and pretending to hear silence

That silence is damaging

That silence is life-threatening

The silence is irreversible


Stand up  

Be loud



Bring those to safety

Give your hand

As your hand is a pathway

A symbol of solidarity

For if we stand together, scrutinise and make those accountable

We acquire the strength and noise of millions

Don’t choose to ignore, choose to speak out

End ‘honour’-based abuse

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