Exploring the shift in modern dating attitudes
A collection of poetry about astronomical love
Overcoming my perfectionism to find true happiness
A young poet's ode to the complexities of womanhood
The power of choosing yourself in a world that expects you not to
The value of a relationship that goes beyond the constraints of physical attraction
This is a collection of four different poems that starts up chaotic and ends on a hopeful note.
Love doesn’t cost a thing...or does it?
A poem describing the beginnings of love, slowly blossoming into something beautiful.
The process of heartbreak and renewal. What it means to find healing from a pain you thought you could never recover from, and learning to love again.
Why I'm choosing to no longer participate in hookup culture
When the person who is supposed to be your protector is your tormentor
A letter full of emotions that I believe anyone reeling from a heartbreak could relate to
A poem about the nostalgia before losing her
Now the loss of you is a living thing and I don't want to be alone with it
Some lessons that I learnt from having my first heartbreak
The feelings of being in an abusive relationship, put into words
How to overcome impulsivity and make more thoughtful choices
Introverts aren't anti-social they just have different ways of "recharging"
This piece tells a story of how one woman's struggle can transfer not only to her daughter, but her granddaughter as well. It's a cautionary tale on how trauma not dealt with, can affect generations down the family line.
This poem talks about how we humans try to cleanse our memories be it good or bad but often fail and these memories flood our emotional wellbeing.
How to take accountability and move on from your mistakes - Part two of my "Hey Big Sis" series
My experience of a romantic heartbreak and how to heal from it
A reflection on one of the hardest phases of life